6 Tips for Your Motorcycle’s Spring Checkup

Regular motorcycle maintenance can help keep your bike running smoothly. That can be especially important in the spring, when many riders bring their motorcycles out of winter storage. Beyond simply cleaning it up and filling the fuel tank, spring is a great time to do some simple checkups.
spring motorcycle checkup
Regular motorcycle maintenance can help keep your bike running smoothly. That can be especially important in the spring, when many riders bring their motorcycles out of winter storage. Beyond simply cleaning it up and filling the fuel tank, spring is a great time to do some simple checkups to make sure your bike is road ready. To help you make the most of this maintenance, motorcycle enthusiast Matthew Bochnak provides six tips for a simple spring checkup.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHq2M-RT18w?feature=oembed]

Watch more videos by Matt at HowToMotorcycleRepair.com

Source: https://blog.allstate.com/6-tips-motorcycles-spring-checkup-video/