Tips for Keeping an Emergency Cash Fund


Tips for Keeping an Emergency Cash Fund   With the convenience of using debit cards or mobile payment apps, it can be easy to forgo having cash altogether. But it’s a good idea to keep some cash on hand in case of an emergency. In the aftermath of an emergency or a natural disaster, a [...]

Tips for Keeping an Emergency Cash Fund2020-09-10T13:47:28+00:00

4 Tips to Save Money in College


If you’re heading off to college, you’re probably meeting friends, setting up your mini-fridge and choosing your meal plan. But, you may also need to think about the cost of tuition, books and other fees you’ll have this upcoming semester. According to the Wall Street Journal, the average college graduate has accumulated more than $35,000 in debt. If you want [...]

4 Tips to Save Money in College2020-10-29T15:49:10+00:00

4 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely


Many people might agree that filing taxes isn’t an enjoyable task — but once you’re done filling out the forms, you may get excited if you see that a refund is coming your way. If your tax refund is a significant amount of money, it’s important to put that money to use in the best way possible. [...]

4 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely2020-10-29T16:25:09+00:00
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