Bad Financial Habits That May Be Draining Your Wallet


Bad Financial Habits That May Be Draining Your Wallet Most of us can recognize good money habits: Spend less than you earn, save for emergencies and the future and pay down debt. These habits may help put you on track for a healthy financial future. But it’s equally important to know which actions to avoid, as [...]

Bad Financial Habits That May Be Draining Your Wallet2020-09-10T16:14:09+00:00

4 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely


Many people might agree that filing taxes isn’t an enjoyable task — but once you’re done filling out the forms, you may get excited if you see that a refund is coming your way. If your tax refund is a significant amount of money, it’s important to put that money to use in the best way possible. [...]

4 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely2020-10-29T16:25:09+00:00
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