Most insurance companies offer disability insurance, but there are differences in policies. If you have a question, give me a call.
Nearly one-third of U.S. workers will become disabled at some point in their career before reaching retirement, according to a 2009 estimate from the Social Security Administration. Yet the federal agency says that 70% of employees aren’t covered by private long-term disability insurance. Social Security disability benefits are available for certain disabled workers, but the average payout is only 40% of a person’s income and the allowance rate for initial claims can be as low as 30% in some areas of the U.S.
Making up for the rest of that income is possible, but there’s a price.
Before you make any decisions you need to know what an employer might already provide in addition to what you might need.
For example- Short-term disability, also known as sick leave, starts as soon as you’re unable to work due to illness, injury or the birth of a child. Long-term policies typically last for a set number of years or until you reach retirement age.
Also, age matters. Younger workers might want to check rates with an insurance agent before buying through their employer’s group plan. Group plans usually only cover salary; no commissions or bonuses unless that is considered part of your core compensation. Read the fine print. Understand the difference between “own” or “any” occupation. Can the policy be canceled? Is it accident and illness?Many people think serious accidents are the overwhelming reason for a long-term disability when common chronic diseases play a bigger role.